五大联赛揭幕战/曼联 乌龙球/篮球直播360/2026世界杯在哪

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您的位置:中國核電信息網(wǎng) > 中國核電國產(chǎn)化論壇 > 論壇文獻 > Westinghouse Leadership in International Technology Transfer
 l          Westinghouse has licensed commercial PWR systems, component manufacturing, and fuel technology over the decades to many countries
–           has established over 30 nuclear plant licensees worldwide
–           Westinghouse technology is the foundation for national standard power plants in France and in the Republic of Korea and is the basis for nearly 50% of the nuclear plants operating in Japan
–           The Korean program experience is significant because the interests of the Chinese side coincide especially well with the recent and successful technology transfer program conducted with the Korean nuclear industry
Korea experience for technical self-reliance and localization
l     Established self-reliance and localization in Korea’s nuclear industry for Korean
 Standard Nuclear Plant through multiple projects
–       Technology transfer based on
 Westinghouse (CE) System 80 technology
–       100% localization of NSSS and
BOP design         
–       95% localization of NSSS and
BOP equipment design and supply
–       100% localization of project management and construction           
l     Developed R&D capabilities and self-reliance for development and design of Korean Next Generation Reactor (APR1400)
l     Established long-term alliances for international business cooperation
Korea experience:
Initial Technology Transfer
Comparison of China to Korea
l       Factors in the success of Korea’s self-reliance program which apply for China
–          Comprehensive transfer of technical documentation and computer codes
–          In-depth training programs in application of technology, know-how and best practices
–          Involvement of industry organizations in all aspects of engineering and project management
–          Focused technical support for first time local manufacturing of key components
–          Commitment of all levels of management to cooperation, teamwork and project success
Comparison of China to Korea
l       Factors which differ for China compared to Korean program
–       AP1000 passive plant technology introduces unique simplification and advancements
–       China has a higher initial level of experience and capabilities based on Gen II programs
–       China has a larger industrial base and number of manufacturing companies
l       Result of these differences
–       More rapid achievement of self-reliance and localization is possible for China
–       Able to focus on advanced design and equipment technology transfer
–       Earlier participation in engineering and project management
–       Higher percentage of plant equipment can be initially localized
AP1000 advanced features simplify self-reliance and localization
AP1000 provides major simplification compared to previous PWRs.  E.g.,
–     Eliminates all rotating safety class 1E equipment and electrical systems
Safety Pumps, Fans, Diesel Generators
–     Reduced number of components / building volumes
                                 1000 MW       1100 MW
                                 Reference       AP1000       Reduction
       Pumps                      280         180         36%
       ASME Valves           2800                1400                50%
       ASME Piping            110,000 LF       19,000 LF       83%
       Cable                         9.1 mil. LF   1.2 mil. LF       87%
       Seismic Bldg Vol.       12.7 mil. FT3 5.6 mil. FT3       56%
Result:   Reduce technology transfer required; Increase localization on first units
l         Westinghouse has long experience and record of success in international technology transfer programs
l         Korea’s program and experience is a model of success which may be a benchmark for China’s nuclear power self-reliance and localization
l         AP1000 technology transfer and localization can be achieved more rapidly based on China’s existing capabilities and the simplicity of AP1000
主辦單位: 中國核學會
承辦單位: 愛思美(北京)信息科技有限公司